In celebration of Batman's 75th anniversary, DC Comics is proud to present a special box set collecting three of the most popular and critically acclaimed graphic novels starring The Dark Knight at a special low price. This box set collects trade paperback volumes of The Dark Knight Returns, B...
The critically acclaimed first volume of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's Batman saga now is collected in a special sketch edition!Following his ground-breaking, critically acclaimed run on DETECTIVE COMICS, writer Scott Snyder (American Vampire) begins a new era of The Dark Knight alongside artist G...
DC collects the Batman stories by Andy Kubert, the acclaimed comics artist whose work includes BEFORE WATCHMEN: NIGHT OWL, FLASHPOINT and much more, in pencil form in this new hardcover. With stories written by #1 New York Times bestselling authors Neil Gaiman and Grant Morrison, these tales introdu...
Before the Batcave and Robin, the Joker and the Batmobile ... there was ZERO YEAR.The Riddler has plunged Gotham City into darkness. How will a young Dark Knight bring his beloved hometown from the brink of chaos and madness and back into the light? From the critically acclaimed, New York Times #1 b...
The first printing of this new hardcover will feature a special acetate dust jacket showcasing the face of The Joker.A #1 New York Times Bestseller!fter having his face sliced off one year ago, the Joker makes his horrifying return to Gotham City! But even for man who's committed a lifetime of murde...
In this first volume of the critically acclaimed ZERO YEAR storyline, the #1 New York Times bestselling creative team of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo present an astonishing new vision of the Dark Knight's origin—and his first encounters with the Riddler, the Red Hood, and others!Before the er...
2014 marks the 75th anniversary of Batman, the world's greatest detective! And if a hero is measured by his foes, then Batman is truly the greatest hero of all, as his incredible rogues gallery is unrivaled in comics history. This new title collects the best Batman stories of all time, arranged acco...
Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale's legendary Batman story is collected in an all-new black and white noir edition!Collecting this landmark series in a brand new noir edition, all-stars Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale send the Dark Knight on the hunt for a mysterious serial killer who strikes only on holidays. The Worl...
One of the greatest Batman stories ever told, BATMAN ARKHAM ASYLUM is celebrated in this 25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition!The inmates of Arkham Asylum have taken over Gotham's detention center for the criminally insane on April Fool's Day, demanding Batman in exchange for their hostages. Accepting th...